Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wailing of the Soul Cry

There are so many mothers that I come into contact with through the support I founded called A Hole in My Heart Ministry, Inc. and I can tell you that there isn't one mother that I have spoken with that hasn't experienced this deep from within, wailing soul cry at some point in time.... It comes at different moments of our grief journey for everyone, but it does come. What happens is that your realize that God is in everything and being of Christian faith, we believe our child to be with Him as well, therefore, if He is in everything, than we know that our child is there in it all as well...and a peace and comfort overcomes us...and healing can begin.

There comes a time when the burden of our grief is lightened, which does not mean that it got easy or went away, it just means we are managing it "differently" than before as we learn our new normal world.

Finding a good support group can be of great benefit, so do not be afraid to search one out~

God Bless you all who are on this journey, with me and so many others.~